Invisalign Treatment in Fairfax, VA
Imagine the dazzling smile you’ve always wanted…without braces!
For Years Regular braces were the only option but now with today’s technology is being able to achieve the what you have always wanted without living with unattractive, traditional braces. Invisalign treatment utilizes series of clear aligners that are switched out every 10-14 days till we are able to establish the final result.
Dr. Layth and Dr. Alex are premiere invisalign providers who have served thousands of cases previously. When it comes to delivering superb quality work; experience and education are the most valuable assets and we are proud of our capabilities.
Consultation Visit:
This would be the visit where we take all the necessary images, impressions, and digital x-rays in order to go over what the course of the treatment would be like. The consultation visit only takes about 30 minutes.
Digital mock-up View:
This visit is 2-3 weeks after the consultation visit where we would have had enough time to design your smile and the course that the aligners need to follow to get your teeth to their final positioning. During this visit we will go over all the details of your treatment and whether your would like to proceed.
Invisalign Start Day:
This visit will take anywhere between 60-90 minutes. Attachments will be placed on a few teeth to help your teeth move at faster rate to there final position. Cleaning Instructions and post operative instructions will be gone over as well.